6 tips on how to effectively manage work at home office

Get up early - be among the proactive
Knowing that you have the opportunity to sleep in an hour longer instead of going to work, it is easy to fall into a routine of waking up late and unfulfilled plans. But did you know that according to studies , people who get up earlier appear to be more proactive than those who get out of bed only after the umpteenth alarm clock rings?
Proactivity is the willingness and ability to act in order to change the situation to one's advantage. So morning productivity is the first step to success. It's not for nothing that they say that the early birds keep jumping.
But primarily listen to your body. Observe what times you are most efficient. On the other hand, someone is best able to handle demanding tasks in the afternoon and evening hours. Find out your "most energetic" parts of the day and orient your schedule accordingly.
Success is closely related to positive self-esteem. When was the last time you thanked yourself for your results? Don't forget to praise yourself, you deserve it. The tool to eliminate the ills of working from home is in your hands, that is, rather in your mind. Don't be afraid to use it.
- Nelson Mandela
Designate a space for your home office - don't work where you sleep
The comfort of home tempts you to work straight from bed. But the bedroom should primarily be used for sleep and relaxation. The association of duvets with the office is not good for our sleep or our work ethic. Especially in these confused times, it is critical for us to recognize the psychological and physical boundaries between work and rest.
However, not all of us have the opportunity to reserve a special room purely for the purpose of a home office. Therefore, try to define at least a separate space behind the desk, which will be used exclusively for the purpose of work. You signal to the brain that this is not a place for procrastination, but for passion productivity .
Try the "Ten Minute Rule"
Stepping out of your comfort zone and talking yourself into an activity that doesn't appeal to you at the moment requires a mental leap that not everyone can make. The so-called " 10 minute rule " can be a great helper.
Imagine devoting just 10 minutes of your time to the procrastinating activity, with the understanding that you can stop working after this period. However, once you get over the initial reluctance, you are much more likely to complete the task or at least stick with it a little longer than you originally expected.
Maximize mental performance - the Pomodoro method
Experiment in the home office with smart organization of time and support for undisturbed activity in a certain period of time.
Technique Pomodoro uses 25 minutes of long work intervals separated by short 2-3 minute breaks. Four such cycles are followed by a longer 15-30 minute break intended for mental rest, refreshments and recharging of new energy.
Don't underestimate the power of deep work
American academic and writer Cal Newport defines deep work as an activity performed in a state of undisturbed concentration that forces you to use your cognitive potential to the maximum. Such activity creates new values and improves your abilities.
Often this state of mind is also called "flow". You can read how to lose track of time and immerse yourself in the art of total concentration in the article on ours blog.
Reward yourself – encourage positive motivation
Motivation expresses the contradictions between what a person is currently experiencing and what they desire to experience. If we long for increase in productivity we must not forget to reward ourselves for our efforts.
Success is closely related to positive self-esteem. When was the last time you thanked yourself for your results? Don't forget to praise yourself, you deserve it. The tool to eliminate the ills of working from home is in your hands, that is, rather in your mind. Don't be afraid to use it.