6 tips to naturally support digestion

Summer is in full swing and while it's great to sit with friends over good food, sometimes it can be difficult for our digestion. Heavy and fatty meals, as well as large fluctuations in blood glucose, can affect our digestion and the amount of energy during the day.
Why is stable glucose important?
Blood glucose levels naturally rise after a meal. How much depends on the amount of carbohydrates in the food we ate. When glucose levels rise, insulin, an important hormone that distributes glucose from the blood into cells for immediate use or storage, is flushed out. Excessive and frequent glucose fluctuations can contribute to overall inflammation in the body, mood and energy fluctuations, inefficient metabolism and the development of possible long-term health problems .
So how do you keep your glucose levels at healthy levels?
1. Tip: Move after eating
A simple walk immediately after a meal for 15 minutes reduces the rise in blood glucose. In this way, you will avoid a drop in energy and support a healthy metabolic reaction.
2. Tip: Think about the order
The order of macronutrients consumed affects glucose levels. For better glycemic control, consume fiber and protein first, followed by carbohydrates and fats. It is ideal to start the meal with a vegetable appetizer.
3. Tip: Sleep pink
Sleep plays an integral role in metabolic homeostasis. If you don't sleep well, you significantly reduce glucose tolerance (ability to use carbohydrates) and insulin sensitivity. This means that lack of sleep impairs glucose metabolism (the body's ability to deal with carbohydrates).
4. Tip: End of midnight snacks
Glucose and sleep seem to influence each other. Sleep affects glucose levels, and conversely, poor body control of blood glucose at night affects sleep. It is important to stabilize glucose levels before going to bed and limit evening "snacks". We know it's not an easy task.
5. Tip: Say NO to ultra-processed foods
These foods, which often contain large amounts of sugar, fat and other substances, can raise blood glucose levels very significantly and negatively affect metabolic health in the long term. Bet on real staples. How do you recognize them? They are the ones that do not have an endless list of ingredients in their composition. This includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, kernels of unroasted and unsalted nuts, seeds and whole grains, but also foods of animal origin, which ideally come from organic farming.
6. Tip: Hardening? Correct timing is the key to success
Do not strain immediately before and after meals. Exposure to cold activates the sympathetic nervous system. This reaction triggers a flush of norepinephrine, which can disrupt the secretion of digestive enzymes. This can lead to insufficient digestion of food, bloating and malabsorption of nutrients.
And a bonus tip at the end! Natural substances and enzymes to support digestion.
Digest is a natural food supplement that supports digestion and healthy metabolism even after heavy meals rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Don't you like the feeling of a heavy stomach after a meal? The digest is designed to optimize digestion, speed up the breakdown of nutrients and thus promote a harmonious balance in your digestive tract. For a good feeling after a meal, without bloating, a heavy stomach and a sharp drop in energy after a carbohydrate load.