Longevity 3.0

Longevity 3.0

Combination of natural substances for slowing down the aging process and supporting cells.

The new improved formulation of the Longevity 3.0 product! Longevity is a unique product. It hides a specially selected combination of substances formulated according to the latest studies focused on aging and longevity. Longevity supports cellular processes, ensures energy production in each of our trillions of cells, slows down aging, and also acts against its manifestations.

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No unnecessary chemistry

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Longevity within reach

Since time immemorial, people have tried to find the source of eternal youth. Science and the latest findings of the 21st century give this quest concrete outlines. Thanks to Longevity, signs and manifestations of aging are subdued, while cellular energy production and metabolism are stimulated. All cells in the body thus work more efficiently.

We believe in science, not superstition


NAD for life

Trillions of human cells rely on the substance NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) to perform hundreds of metabolic functions, incl. a wide range of processes from energy generation to maintaining healthy DNA. As we age, the amount of NAD decreases and cellular performance decreases. Studies confirm that certain substances have the ability to increase and optimize the amount of cellular NAD. (Nicotinamide riboside, Niacin, L-Tryptophan, Apigenin and PQQ).[1] [2] [3]


Regulation of physiological processes

The manifestations and speed of aging depend on lifestyle, diet, amount of sleep, physical activity and, last but not least, stress. These factors affect many physiological processes, e.g. metabolism, lifespan and functionality of cells. Processes can then be excessively accelerated, disproportionately slowed down or damaged. Some biologically functional compounds are involved in metabolic pathways due to which the signs of aging are attenuated. (PQQ, ALA, Rutin and Gynostemma)[4] [5] [6] [7] [8]


Telomere shortening as a sign of aging

The length of telomeres (ends of chromosomes) is a good indicator of the overall aging of the organism.[9]Short telomeres are associated with cellular aging. Many studies have investigated the effect of certain vitamins and natural extracts on slowing and possibly reversing age- and lifestyle-related telomere shortening. (Cycloastragenol, Vitamin D3, B9, B12, Selenium and Gotukola)[10] [11][12]

Unique composition in 4 capsules

NRc (Nicotinamide riboside chloride)

300 mg

A critical molecule for the formation of NAD. NAD is needed by all cells in the body.

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200 mg

A natural polyphenol that activates sirtuins, i.e. "longevity genes".

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20 mg

Pyrroloquinoline quinone affects cellular functionality and its activity is related to the activation of energy pathways in the body.

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20 mg

Inhibitor of CD38 enzyme that damages NAD. CD38 deficiency helps protect against mitochondrial dysfunction.

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190 mg

Effective antioxidant and CD38 enzyme inhibitor.

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80 mg

A pure natural substance necessary for the organism.

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ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid)

140 mg

An effective antioxidant with many positive effects on the body.

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150 mg

An essential source of NAD+ during immune system activation.

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200 mg

Chemically similar to Resveratrol, it is rapidly absorbed and widely distributed in the body.

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Betaine HCL

150 mg

A source of methyl.

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50 mg

Flavonoid of plant origin with many positive effects on the organism.

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Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract

450 mg

It activates the enzyme AMPK, which is called the main metabolic regulator.

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L-Cysteine ​

​​100 mg

Precursor of glutathione, an important human antioxidant.

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Centella asiatica extract (Gotu cola)

100 mg

It supports cognitive functions.

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10 mg

It effectively activates telomerase, the activity of which decreases with increasing age.

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100 mg

Effective senolytic. More in the study.

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55 μg

Selenium contributes to the normal function of the immune system, the thyroid gland and the protection of cells against oxidative stress.

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5 mg

It contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

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Vitamin D3

25 μg

Vegan form of vitamin D3 from lichen. It contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

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Vitamin K2

75 μg

Vitamin K2 is used for the synergistic effect of these vitamins and for maintaining normal bone condition.

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Vitamin B1

2.2 mg

Thiamine contributes to normal energy metabolism and supports the nervous system.

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Vitamin B2

2.8 mg

Riboflavin contributes to normal energy metabolism and reduces fatigue and exhaustion.

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Vitamin B3

120 mg

Niacin is important for the production of the coenzyme NAD, which is needed by all cells in the body.

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Vitamin B5

12 mg

Pantothenic acid contributes to the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters.

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Vitamin B6

2.8 mg

Pyridoxine contributes to normal energy metabolism, red blood cell formation and immune system function.

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Vitamin B9

300 μg

In the form of methylfolate. It contributes to normal hematopoiesis, the synthesis of amino acids and the process of cell division.

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Vitamin B12

100 μg

A form of cobalamin. It contributes to normal energy metabolism and mental activity.

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Vegan capsule

130 mg

All packed in 3 cellulose capsules.

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How to use the product?

When to use?

In the morning or at noon with food.

How many capsules?

4 capsules in the morning. An alternative is 2 capsules in the morning and 2 at noon.

Drink with water

For proper dissolution and absorption, drink at least a glass of water.

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It is not a substitute for a varied diet. The product is not suitable for children. Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a dry place up to 25 °C. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Content weight: 90.8 g (120 capsules)

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews

Po 2 měsících výrazné snížení únavy a zvýšení imunity. Kupuji další balení.


Uživám 3 týdny a zářim(velmi projasněné oči) jako po dovolené v Karibiku,citim se přijemně a pohodově v -7°C s pejskem venku je mi jako v +20°C..Bomba!!Stoji to za ty penize!🦾..Přeji si něco takového i pro mého🐶❤️..

Katarína Č.

Ja nie len cítim, ale aj blízke okolie vníma moju energiu. Naozaj som viac prítomná počas dňa, môžem a hlavne chcem a už aj využijem čas v dni efektívnejšie ako doteraz.

Marián M.

Viditeľne pomáha už pri použití prvého balenia.

Best of the best

Tento produtk som užíval spolu s ďalšími, cca 2-3 mesiace, chcem povedať že napr. Flow EAA je skvelý na regeneráciu, pri športe, tak spolu s Longevity je to úplne iný level a život celkovo je v úplne inej dimenzií, pretože po 2-3 mesiacoch užívania som na necelý mesiac Longevity vynechal, teraz zase pár dní beriem a ten rozdiel je doslova hmatateľný! Skúste si to, chvílku potrvá kým sa účinky prejavia, keď začnete užívat úplne po prvý krát - asi je to dosť individuálne človek od človeka (vek, váha, fyz. kondícia atd.)

František S.

Super kvalita

Kamil H.
Vyladěný životabudič

Longevity jsem porovnával s čistým NR (1500mg) a účinek je výraznější, jakoby robustnější. Energie je po celý den dostupná a večerní únava (v 60-ti) se zredukovala na únosnou míru. Spánek je najednou přirozenější, bez uspávadel, zvlášť po 0,5km v bazénu.

Eva C.

Jelikož jsem spokojená s ostatními produkty, tak doufám, že bude dobré. Zatím po týdnu braní necítím velký efekt.

Jitka H.
Longevity 3.0

Objednala jsem druhé balení, cítím se lépe, mám víc energie

Jaroslav S.
Super složení

Dobrý den, mužu brát Longevity 3.0 spolu s Immune 2.0? Dekuji

Dobrý den,

děkujeme za hodnocení. Naše produkty jsou vyvíjeny tak, aby se dali kombinovat. Oba zmíněné produkty můžete užít ráno s jídlem.

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For adults who want to live a better and healthier life. For all those who do not want to wait for the first problems associated with aging to appear, but want to be actively involved in supporting the organism. For anyone who wants to actively influence healthy aging and wants to support the body's basic mechanisms associated with aging.

It generally works by helping our cells and mitochondria do more work with less wear and tear. As cells age, they lose their ability to function efficiently and their lifespan may decrease. Longevity supports cellular processes and basic system mechanisms, thanks to which cells can perform more quality work and keep the organism healthier, more beautiful, more capable and more functional.

We cannot answer this question. There are many factors that affect aging. Exercise, healthy eating, sleep, lifestyle and other factors play a key role in quality of life and healthy aging, and we cannot influence this in your case. The formulation of Longevity is built on the most modern studies focused on aging. The active substances in Longevity positively affect many signaling pathways in the body that are associated with aging and help cells and mitochondria to function more efficiently and do more work. This means that Longevity works as a cell support for healthier aging. Thus, a targeted focus on aging does not necessarily mean extending life, but more precisely; prolongation of part of life lived in health.