Lack of magnesium in the body? We know what the symptoms are
Magnesium, or magnesium, can sometimes be a mysterious element that we hear about from time to time, but we don't really know specifically why it is important to us. Today we will remove the mask of mystery from him and look at his teeth. If you are interested in the following questions, you are at the right address.
The article also includes a simple test that will advise you whether magnesium is the right nut for you. And in order not to frighten you, we will immediately offer you a solution - magnesium, which has the best absorbability on the market.
In today's article you will learn:
- How magnesium affects mental and physical performance
- What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency and what can it cause?
- A test to recognize magnesium deficiency
- Is magnesium overdose possible?
How does magnesium help with physical and mental performance?
It reduces the level of fatigue and exhaustion
Is fatigue your daily bread? Maybe you are lacking magnesium. It is involved in energy metabolism. With an increased intake of magnesium, don't expect floods of energy, but if you suffer from a lack of this particular element, you will definitely get a drop of energy. And every drop counts, right?
It will help to maintain the proper functioning of the nervous system
Magnesium also has an effect on the psyche. It supports cognitive functions (it makes it easier for you to work through difficult scripts, for example), improves sleep and can also help you get rid of the hated migraines. And a little science behind it: magnesium helps regulate the level of neurotransmitters involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.
It helps the muscles work properly
The latest studies show that magnesium deficiency is probably not the main cause of muscle cramps. Rather, it is an overall mineral imbalance. But one thing is certain. Magnesium helps muscle cells to relax after contraction . Supplementing magnesium can thus be a crucial step for proper muscle function and better sports performance.
The immune system and oxidative stress
An often inflected word and second name for the 21st century - stress. Magnesium also plays an important role in the immune system and helps reduce oxidative stress - damage to the body by free radicals.
What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency?
1) Muscle stiffness - Who doesn't know the unpleasant painful feeling of stiff muscles to the point of cramping? If you suffer from them, magnesium deficiency may be one of the causes.
2) Reduced energy – If you have no energy, try to be careful if you are magnesium deficient. This may not necessarily be true, but if it is, the remedy is very simple. And there is often strength in simplicity!
3) Insomnia, nervousness, poor concentration, migraines - All beautiful things, right? Again, magnesium deficiency may not be the culprit, but if it is, you can easily prove or disprove your assumption.

How to recognize magnesium deficiency?
Diagnosis is quite complicated. A blood test will give you the most accurate answer. Another relatively accurate method is to consult a menu with a nutritionist.
If you don't want either, we've taken an orientation test that will give you approximate results. Are we going to him?
Test for magnesium deficiency
At the beginning of each question is a number of points. For each question answered positively, add the given number of points and the total sum will provide an indicative result.
- 2 Are you stressed?
- 3 Are you short-tempered?
- 3 Are you restless or hyperactive?
- 2 Are you easily startled by a sudden sound or light?
- 4 Do you have trouble sleeping?
- 2 Do you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines?
- 3 Do you suffer from mild tremors or hand twitching?
- 3 Do you suffer from subtle, almost imperceptible tremors in the muscles around the eyes, facial muscles or other muscles?
- 3 Do you suffer from muscle spasms outside the limbs?
- 3 Do you have cramps in your arms or legs?
- 3 Do you have an easily triggered gag reflex?
- 4 Do you suffer from asthma or hay fever?
- 3 Do you suffer from emphysema, chronic bronchitis or shortness of breath?
- 2 Do you have osteoporosis?
- 5 Have you ever had a urinary stone?
- 3 Do you suffer from chronic kidney disease?
- 2 Do you have diabetes?
- 4 Do you have an overactive thyroid or parathyroid glands?
- 4 Do you suffer from chronic fatigue?
- 2 Do you often suffer from muscle weakness?
- 2 Do your hands or feet get cold easily?
- 2 Do you suffer from loss of sensation in your face, hands or feet?
- 2 Do you have trouble with tingling parts of your body?
- 2 Are you often apathetic, without interest in the world around you?
- 2 Do you have problems with memory - forgetting?
- 2 Do you have difficulty concentrating on an activity?
- 2 Do you suffer from undue fear or distress?
- 3 Are you being treated for depression?
- 2 Are you often disoriented (in time, space)?
- 2 Do you have problems adapting to new situations?
- 2 Do you suffer from hallucinations?
- 2 Do you suffer from feelings that people around you are hurting you?
- 3 Do you have high blood pressure?
- 3 Do you suffer from an irregular heart rhythm?
- 3 Do you take any diuretics (medicines that promote urination)?
- 2 Have you recently been treated with radiation or had a CT scan?
- 5 Do you drink alcoholic beverages daily?
- 4 Have you ever had a problem with alcohol addiction?
- 3 Do you drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day?
- 2 Do you often have a pale face?
- 2 Do you think you suffer from a loss of vitality in the sexual area?
- 2 Have you been told you have low blood calcium?
- 2 Have you been told you have low potassium in your blood?
- 3 Do you regularly take supplements containing calcium without the addition of magnesium?
- 2 Do you regularly take supplements containing iron or zinc without the addition of magnesium?
- 2 Are you chronically exposed to fluoride (job)?
- 2 Do you often take antibiotics and steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs or hormones?
- 2 Do you eat sweet foods every day?
- 2 Do you take more salt than others?
- 2 Do you eat fast food more often than once a week?
- 2 Do you eat leafy vegetables or fresh fruit less often than every other day?
- 2 Do you prefer white bread to whole wheat?
- 2 Do you eat nuts less often than twice a week?
- 2 Are you on a low protein diet?
- 2 Do you have difficulty digesting food?
- 3 Do you suffer from diarrhea or constipation?
- 3 Women: Are you pregnant?
- 2 Women: Have you suffered from high blood pressure in previous pregnancies?
0 - 30 points - You probably have enough magnesium
30 – 50 points – You are quite possibly deficient in magnesium
50+ points – You are very likely magnesium deficient
What to do in case of shortage?
Have you been tested for magnesium deficiency? We suggest leaving the panic until later. So what is the best way to supplement magnesium? Be sure to examine your menu - in which foods magnesium is naturally found in abundance, we already described in of this article .
If you do not have time to deal with food or you need to supplement more (e.g. for sports), then reach for a high-quality food supplement. However, not all magnesium is equal, its individual forms differ in their usability, and we have compared them for you in our article .
Our magnesium Mg 2.0 combines 6 organic forms of magnesium and vitamin D, replenishes the necessary amount and ensures usability for the body. At the same time, with the correct dosage, thanks to the forms used, there will be no overdose.
Is magnesium overdose possible?
As they say - too much of everything is bad. And this also applies to magnesium, which can be overdosed, although it is not very common. Excess magnesium can be eliminated by the body to a large extent, which is why it appears mostly when increased intake is combined with kidney failure.
The most common cause is excessive use of dietary supplements, or it can arise from some preparations for the treatment of constipation. It is manifested by diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, muscle weakness or, for example, low blood pressure.