Daily Essentials Woman

Daily Essentials Woman

A combination of essential micronutrients for the basic coverage of the daily needs of a busy person.

Combination of essential micronutrients for covering the daily needs of a busy woman.

Every day, the body performs remarkable feats. It sustains us during work or study pressures, workouts, and daily obligations. Support it with a daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs for 100% functionality. In Daily Essentials, you'll find what the body needs on a daily basis. Nothing more, nothing less. In three convenient capsules. We also have a version for men!

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Daily dose of minerals and vitamins

The long and confusing list of vitamins and minerals that we should daily supply to the body led us to the idea of combining everything the body needs to ensure all vital physiological processes in the organism into three capsules. Three handy capsules, which you have at your disposal at any time, contain only 100% functional essential substances. No additives or substances just "for show" have their place in them.

We believe in science, not superstition


24 in 1

Perfect combination24 substances in three capsules will provide you daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals, which allows the body to function efficiently and at its optimum.


A comprehensive source of vitamins

Vitamins are important for many everyday body functions, such as processing and creating energy in cells.[1]


A source of essential minerals and trace elements

The body uses minerals for many different activities, including maintaining the proper function of the bones, muscles, heart and nervous system. Minerals are also important for the creation of other substances important for the body.[2]

Maximum bioavailable forms of substances in 3 capsules


2 mg

Black pepper extract ensures proper absorption of substances from the digestive system.

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Cocoa extract

150 mg

Cocoa bean extract is a source of polyphenols and epicatechins that support the gut microbiome.

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Grape seed extract

100 mg

Grape seed extract is an effective antioxidant.

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100 mg

Precursor of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. For brain support.

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150 μg

From 0.7 mg of potassium iodide. Iodine contributes to normal energy metabolism and healthy skin.

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10 μg

From 0.08 mg of chromium picolinate. Chromium contributes to the normal metabolism of macronutrients and the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels.

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1 mg

From 3.3 mg of copper bisglycinate. Copper contributes to normal energy metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system.

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50 μg

From 0.125 mg of selenomethionine. Selenium contributes to the normal function of the immune system and the thyroid gland and spermatogenesis.

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1 mg

From 3.7 mg of manganese bisglycinate. Manganese contributes to the normal formation of connective tissues and energy metabolism.

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1 mg

From 8 mg of sodium borate. An important trace element for the organism.

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10 mg

From 37 mg of ferrous bisglycinate. Iron contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

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120 mg

From 230 mg of potassium chloride. Potassium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles.

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170 mg

Chloride anions are involved in the regulation of ions in cells and contribute to maintaining the balance of acids and bases in the body.

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40 mg

From 100 mg of sodium chloride. It contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles.

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5 mg

It contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

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310 mg

From 1550 mg of magnesium bisglycinate. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of muscles and the nervous system and to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion.

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Liposomal vitamin C

40 mg

The best-known antioxidant in a bioavailable liposome form, which contributes to the normal formation of collagen for the normal function of bones, cartilage and skin.

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Vitamin A

800 μg

It contributes to the normal function of the immune system and maintains the normal condition of the skin.

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Vitamin D3

15 μg

Cholecalciferol contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

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Vitamin K2

20 μg

The menaquinone-7 (MK-7) form contributes to normal bone health and blood clotting.

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Vitamin E

15 mg

It contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

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Vitamin B1

3 mg

Thiamine contributes to normal energy metabolism and supports the nervous system.

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Vitamin B2

3 mg

Riboflavin contributes to normal energy metabolism and reduces fatigue and exhaustion.

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Vitamin B3

10 mg

Niacin is important for the formation of the coenzyme NAD, which is needed by more than 400 enzymes in the body.

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Vitamin B5

5 mg

Pantothenic acid contributes to the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters.

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Vitamin B6

1 mg

Pyridoxine contributes to normal energy metabolism, red blood cell formation and immune system functions.

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Vitamin B7

30 μg

Biotin contributes to maintaining the normal condition of the skin and hair and contributes to the metabolism of macronutrients.

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Vitamin B9

400 μg

Folic acid contributes to normal hematopoiesis, the synthesis of amino acids and the process of cell division.

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Vitamin B12

100 μg

A form of cobalamin. It contributes to normal energy metabolism and mental activity.

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Vegan capsule

130 mg

All packed in 3 cellulose capsules.

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How to use the product?

When to use?

Every morning with food.

How many capsules?

3 capsules

Drink with water

For proper dissolution and absorption, drink at least a glass of water.

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It is not a substitute for a varied diet. The product is not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a dry place up to 25 °C. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Content weight: 84.5 g (90 capsules)

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Adéla H.

Daily Essentials Woman beru už přes 3/4 roku a takhle dlouho zdravá jsem už dlouho nebyla. :) Super základ!

Andrea Š.


Markéta F.

Všechny potřebné vitamíny ve 3 kapslích. No brainer.

Daily Essentials Woman

S tabletkami jsem velmi spokojená. Užívám druhý měsíc a mám pocit, že lépe zvládám každodenní povinnosti.

Daily Essentials Woman

100% spokojenost - mám pocit zlepšení mého zdravotního stavu od vlasů, pleti až po trávení a hlavně množství energie :-)



viktorie k.
Daily essentials women

Hodně běhám a sportuji a pro svůj aktivní životní styl potřebuji maximální podporu. Navíc na veganské stravě potřebuji některé vitamíny doplňovat protože ve stravě už jich není dostatečné množství. Moc jsem si oblíbila Daily essentials, který kombinuje takový denní základ toho, co jako žena potřebuji doplnit. :)

Kateřina R.
maximální spokojenost

Díky Daily Essentials mi konečně po letech přestaly migrény, na které dříve nestačily ani silnější prášky. Spokojenost opravdu maximální, tělo funguje jak má, je v rovnováze.

Monika D.

Prášky jsem dostala od svojí dcery a nevěřila jsem, že budou zabírat a už vůbec ne, že změny uvidím po prvním týdnu. Zlepšení kompletního stavu, od pokožky, přes vlasy a nehty až po energii. Teď budu objednávat i pro moji mamku, protože i ona i všimla výsledku po 14 dnech od toho co jsem je začala brát. takže vám děkuju.

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Yes you can. Daily Essentials provides a basic daily supplement of vitamins and minerals for the body's needs. If for some reason you need to independently increase the amount of one of the vitamins or minerals, for example based on a doctor's recommendation, you can do so without any worries. However, we recommend monitoring the total amount of vitamins and minerals taken.

You could say anytime. This product contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the daily needs of the body and is designed to be supplemented at any time, at any time of the year, without the need for breaks.

That is a good question. Some vitamins and minerals have natural interactions with each other. Whether agonistic or antagonistic. This means that their effect is either complementary or excluded. However, this effect is mainly noted at higher doses. So you don't have to worry about some substances being there unnecessarily.