How to be calm and not stress - 8 tips not only for students

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All students know it, not only high school and university students, but also anyone who wanted a driver's license or had to supplement their education as part of their job. Tests and exams. And with them also important questions - how to be calm and not stressed, how to spend the day before an important exam in such a way that we use it productively, but at the same time do not overload ourselves unnecessarily? We have a few tips for you on how such an ideal day before the exam should look like.

1. Get quality sleep

The day begins the moment you go to sleep. Quality sleep is absolutely essential for 100% mental performance. Forget about driving non-stop and learning something else overnight. If you are not sure that you have managed to learn everything, it is better to get up an hour later and repeat the lesson in the morning.  During deep sleep, the brain sorts remembered and learned information . Get at least 7.5 hours of sleep. Do you have a problem falling asleep, either for a long time or before a major event such as an exam? Try Sleep , all-natural capsules that lull you to sleep.

2. High-quality diet and drinking regime

If you're dehydrated and your stomach is growling, you won't be very productive. Therefore, strengthen yourself with breakfast first thing in the morning and during the day be sure not to miss lunch, dinner and ideally also add one snack . Today, forget about cookies and chocolates, instead reach for healthy food that will provide you with enough protein, fat and carbohydrates. A tasty and quick snack is, for example, whole grain bread, fruit or cottage cheese supplemented with high-quality nut butter, hummus with carrot sticks or a kefir smoothie. Dinner should be light and easy to digest so that you can fall asleep and sleep well. It is ideal to combine heat-treated vegetables with eggs, poultry or fish. It may not seem like it, but oatmeal with fruit is also a suitable dinner. Don't forget to drink enough water or tea during the day. Due to sufficient hydration, your concentration will increase . Avoid sweet lemonades and energy drinks.

3. Review the syllabus

It is better not to study the day before the exam. However, this certainly does not mean that you should avoid studying. On the contrary. The day before the exam is ideal to review the material, go over your notes and make sure you know everything you should know . At least for the most part. If you didn't take notes during the previous days of study, take them now. One of the great ways to review the subject matter is to make notes, notes or a short summary in which you try to get the most essential information in as few words as possible. This allows you to review and repeat the course material. If you come across a topic in the process that you don't know yet, you know what to focus on and still have a few hours to devote to it.

4. Prepare everything for the day of the exam

Don't leave the preparations until the morning. Prepare today all the textbooks, notebooks, pencils, pens and other aids you will need for the exam. Check the batteries in the calculator and make sure it is working properly. You can also choose an outfit that you won't hunt for in the closet in the morning, but will be waiting for you on the chair. Choose something comfortable that will make you feel confident and not an unwelcome center of attention . Don't forget a drink and a light snack.

5. Exercise or a walk will come in handy

In the afternoon after learning, or as part of a break between going through the curriculum, allow yourself half an hour or an hour to devote to exercise. You can go for a run, try yoga, meditation, or just go for a walk . It is mainly about stretching your body, clearing your thoughts and ideally breathing fresh air. This will reduce potential stress and recharge your batteries.

6. Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation

In the evening, schedule time to relax and do something you enjoy. You can watch your favorite movie, read a book (not textbooks), treat yourself to a long bath full of bubbles, or draw. Whatever you want and it will help you forget about tomorrow's exam for a while.

7. Morning well-being is important

Don't set your alarm at the last minute just to get dressed and rush off to school. Give yourself at least an hour before the time when you have to leave the house to drink tea or coffee (like Active Coffee ), play your favorite music, get dressed and enjoy a good breakfast. It should contain enough protein, carbohydrates and fats, just like the dinner the day before. Again, you can bet on oatmeal, eggs, dairy products or even tofu, all supplemented with vegetables/fruit.

8. How not to stress?

Try not to stress unnecessarily before the exam. Some of us tolerate challenging situations, which can be exams, quite well, while others always get nervous. Don't overthink what it would be like if you studied a day more and avoid discussing with your classmates what someone can't do . Proper breathing and oxygenation of the brain is also important. The Mindflow Stress Free natural food supplement will also help you in the fight against stress , which will help fight anxiety and improve your mood.

Tip: If you don't have the exam right away in the morning, but maybe until noon or afternoon, you still have a few hours to go through the syllabus and notes. Take advantage of it.