4 scientifically proven procedures to slow down aging

The aging process is caused by a whole set of different factors. Some slow down aging, others accelerate it. Cells in the body change and adjust their behavior throughout life. Younger cells are better at repairing their damage. But they gradually lose this ability with age. Cell repair is increasingly challenging. The ends of DNA, the so-called telomeres, shorten. The shortening of telomeres is considered one of the mechanisms of aging of the organism at the molecular level. So what can you do to slow down cellular aging?
Less food for longer life
Limiting calorie intake will positively affect cell lifespan. The main mechanism that works here during fasting is autophagy. It is a process where cells have more time to renew themselves and clean up accumulated waste materials. In a "clean" environment, they are capable of better regeneration and this has an impact on their lifespan.
If you have never tried classical fasting, intermittent fasting may be a suitable alternative. One of the variants is catering with time windows 16/8. To begin with, for example, with time windows 16/8. So 16 hours without food and 8 hours with food. We recommend starting the fast after dinner. Sleeping on an empty stomach can be more difficult than going a whole day without food.
Movement, movement and more movement
It is so. Any physical activity is one of the most effective ways to build longevity. With increasing age, sarcopenia occurs, when the amount of muscle mass decreases. Muscle loss can impair mobility and thus the quality of life.
A combination of all three types of movement is suitable: aerobic, strength training and exercises to develop flexibility. Physical activity moves the lymph, promotes proper blood flow in the body and, last but not least, positively affects the mood thanks to the released endorphins.
Specific examples:
Aerobic activity: running, cycling, swimming, skipping rope, jumping
Strength training: squats, gym, bodyweight exercises involving as many muscle groups as possible at the same time
Mobility: yoga, stretching, pilates
Sleep and longevity
Up to a third of adults do not sleep the recommended 7-9 hours a day. At the same time, quality sleep affects overall well-being and a number of physiological processes in the body. Lack of sleep, for example, increases the level of the hunger hormone ghrelin. A tired body will then require energy-rich foods to replenish its energy somehow. Long-term lack of sleep will also negatively affect immunity or our mood and hormones.
You can improve the quality of your sleep simply: just go to bed at approximately the same time every day. The sleep cycle stabilizes, and if you wake up in the morning before the alarm goes off, then this tip has worked. Regularity, an evening routine and an optimal environment (reference to bedrooms according to biohackers) are the keys to quality sleep. You can also try a weighted blanket, blue light blocking glasses, or meditation to help you fall asleep faster.
You can find more tips in the article about bedroom optimization for the best sleep.
A stress-free life
It would be nice, but it is not always possible to avoid stress. The short-term one can be beneficial for performance. But it will not bring much benefit in the long term. Chronic stress can be a starting point for inflammation, mental discomfort and will negatively affect cellular aging. Like lack of sleep, long-term stress has a negative effect on immunity. The body engages in the "fight for survival" and the immune system is the first to suffer.
However, it is possible to work with stress and train the reactions of our organism. One of the techniques is, for example, meditation. If you do it regularly, according to one study, your brain will be up to 7.5 years younger than that of people who do not meditate for a long time.
Meditation can also positively affect the learning and memory center. A second tactic to manage stress is breathing exercises. The technique of box breathing, the 4-7-8 method and generally extended exhalations will work well. Jacobson's progressive relaxation, which combines breathing and gradual tightening and loosening of muscles, is also worth a try. muscle tightness.
All four mentioned tips help the cells to extend their life cycle. In addition to limiting calories, regular exercise, quality sleep and stress management, cells can be helped by substances such as NMN, NR, Resveratrol, Rutin or Apigenin, which affect the production of NAD - a substance necessary for hundreds of metabolic functions in the body. You can find them all in our Longevity 3.0. 👇