The Mushroom Picker's Guide: How Adaptogenic Mushrooms Affect Your Body and Mind

They say we are a nation of mushroom pickers. We set off into the forest with a basket and the hope that there will be fried food in the evening. We dry, fry, preserve. But that's not all there is to using mushrooms. According to the latest calculations by scientists from the Academy of Sciences, there are more than 6 million different types of mushrooms in the world. Edible, poisonous, medicinal, hallucinogenic and then the adaptogenic ones. You can find them in various dietary supplements and they have become very popular in the health world.

What are adaptogenic mushrooms?

Adaptogenic mushrooms contain substances that can help reduce the effects of stress on your body. These are not hallucinogenic or "magic" mushrooms. Adaptogens do not affect the mind or perception. In general, an adaptogen is a substance that increases the body's resistance to physical, biological, and chemical stress and helps support normal functioning when you are already under stress.

How do adaptogens work?

The body's response to stress is complex and involves multiple body systems, including the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The main function of this imaginary axis is the release of glucocorticoids - steroid-based hormones, including cortisol - the stress hormone. Glucocorticoids then activate the stress response. And this is where adaptogens come in. They act on the aforementioned hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis by increasing resistance to stress, promoting stability and accelerating recovery from stress on a biochemical level.

Hypothalamus - is the part of the brain that controls key functions such as body temperature, hunger, thirst and sleep. It also forms a link between the nervous system and the hormonal system, thereby influencing the functioning of many organs.

The pituitary gland is a small gland in the lower part of the brain that produces hormones that affect growth, reproduction, metabolism and other important bodily functions. It plays an important role in the regulation of vital functions.

Adrenal glands - glands with internal secretion of hormones found on the upper part of the kidney.

Glucocorticoids - steroid-based hormones.

Cortisol - a stress hormone that triggers stress reactions.

Many mushrooms have anti-inflammatory effects or perhaps boost immunity. The term adaptogenic refers to the fact that the substances they contain can influence the body's response to stress.


This medicinal mushroom has been used in China and Tibet for many years. It has a positive effect on chronic stress, supports the optimal function of the immune system, resistance to fatigue. It contains betaglucans and minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. In nature, you can find it as a parasite of one type of insect. But don't worry, you won't find this wild form in food supplements. Currently, the cordyceps mushroom is grown on mushroom farms, so no insects suffer. It has up to a hundred different species. The most researched and used species are Cordyceps sinensis or Chinese caterpillar and Cordyceps militaris - red caterpillar.

Lion's mane

The Czech translation gave this mushroom the name lion's mane, which it really resembles with fibers. The mushroom is widely used in gastronomy in Japan, Korea and China. In addition to supporting the nervous system, it also has a positive effect on digestion and overall vitality. And the large amount of bioactive substances makes it a great antioxidant. Why is it so beneficial? It supports the healthy development of the structure of neurons and the brain. Lion's mane also supports protective functions in the brain by reducing oxidative stress and abnormal immune signaling in the body. In addition, it can have a positive effect on gut health and gut microflora, which can contribute to overall well-being through the connection of the gut-brain axis. And finally, one interesting thing: it is possible to make 125 mg of extract from one gram of mushroom.


You've probably already heard of her. She was a bit of a pioneer of mushrooms from the East. It earned the nickname "mushroom of immortality". Modern research on Reishi mushrooms emphasizes their benefits for supporting the immune system and rejuvenating processes in the body. Several preclinical studies have shown that it supports immune cell function and both innate and acquired immunity. Research also shows that it supports healthy mitochondrial function in the brain. Focus on concentration when choosing the right supplement. It is also important whether the extract is made only from the fruiting bodies of the mushrooms or also from the pods. As you probably already guessed, the best is a pure extract only from fruiting bodies that contain the most active substances.

Of course, there are many more adaptogens. We were quite interested in them, so you can find them in some of our products. And for example, we also have Cordyceps separately in powder form in the pure substances section.

You can easily prepare an adaptogenic coffee or smoothie.

Cheers to health and well-being.