9 tips to stop procrastination

5 minutes of reading

how to stop procrastination

You know how you're supposed to do SOMETHING and suddenly you see so many other tasks that you endlessly put off that "something"? Up to the very edge of possible postponement. But then the deadline is knocking on the door, so there is no point.

For example, you have to write an article about procrastination, and in the meantime you have to rent out the whole apartment, you must play with the cat and, above all, sort the t-shirts in the closet by color. So that's PROCRASTINATION.

But there's no need to make a scarecrow out of her, in the following lines we'll look at her "to the teeth" and I'll tell you some tips on how to play with her.

A little theory about procrastination

The word procrastination comes from Latin (procrastinatus) and came into Czech from the English procrastinate.

The Addiction Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the UK describes procrastination as follows: Procrastination ... is the morbid postponement of tasks and decisions, which is accompanied by unpleasant feelings, most often anxiety. ... We talk about procrastination when there is a disproportionately large time delay between the intention or determination to start working on a task (or finish it) and the actual start (or completion) of work.

Lingea online dictionary defines procrastination as procrastination and putting off.

ATTENTION! Procrastination is not laziness, although it may appear that way at first glance. A procrastinator does not put his feet up. He will do a lot of work, just not the work he should at the time.

Why do we procrastinate?

Procrastination has several causes:

we find the task boring or unpleasant
we cannot set priorities and organize work
we fear successful completion because we think it will lead to a flood of more and more tasks
- perfectionism - we prefer to avoid the task because we believe that we do not have sufficient abilities and the result might not be according to our (often exaggerated) expectations


The basis is to admit that procrastination is also your "diagnosis". It's as simple as slapping. Do you put off important, unpleasant, any tasks until later = when the deadline is burning in your ass? Then you are a procrastinator. Admit it, forgive yourself, and do something about it. Here are some tips on how to catch a tipper.

Tip 1: Manage your time

Track the time when you work best, are most efficient, and find it easy to complete tasks. Our brains are naturally cyclical with highs and lows. Use it to maximize your performance. Work during the peak, rest during the downturn.

master your time

Tip 2: Minimize distractions

Mute e-mail, social media and phone ringtones. Do not turn on TV and radio with news. Do not listen to the conversations of colleagues in the office or the hum of the fluorescent light in the ceiling. There is only you and your task.

My tip: You can support concentration and productivity with 2 Mindflow Focus capsules .

Tip 3: Get a kick out of the music

Find a song that energizes you and play it when you want to jump on something "put off". The brain loves these triggers and after a while, once it hears the song, it kicks into “focus on the task” mode.

My tip: Don't stop me now - Queen, Poppa Joe - Sweet

kick yourself with music

Tip 4: Lists are great for more than just shopping

Become a master planner. Don't know where to start? Do there seem to be so many tasks that you end up with decision paralysis and end up doing nothing? Write a list and gradually tick off completed tasks. Just delete the ones you don't really need to do. And write the most important one at the top with a red marker. And get into it. Brown.

Tip 5: Do the worst first

The knowledge that nothing worse awaits you that day is intoxicating and very motivating. Imagine to yourself what it will be like when you complete that procrastinating task. How do you feel? Great huh?

feeling good about yourself

Tip 6: Set a reminder

Have you found a time when you are efficient and effective (see Tip 1)? Cool. Set a reminder (e.g. on your phone) at the beginning of this time that it's time not to waste time and work hard.

My tip: Write a quote that inspires you as a reminder. For example:

"One day is not a day of the week." -- Janet Dailey
"The only way to really start is to stop talking and act instead." -- Walt Disney

Tip 7: Sugar and whip

An old but effective strategy. Did you complete the task on time? Appreciate yourself and reward yourself for it. Cake, good coffee, a new plant for your jungle? Enjoy the good feeling about yourself.

reward yourself

Tip 8: Treat yourself to silence every day

Most of the day we are surrounded by the "noise" of the digital world. It is overwhelming and stressful for our body and mind. Take at least 15 minutes of silence each day to reconnect with yourself.

My tip: Try meditation where you only focus on your breath. Don't push yourself, it's not easy at first and you'll only need 5-7 minutes. Add one every day and above all persevere.

indulge yourself in silence

Tip 9: The magic of 21 days

Procrastination doesn't happen overnight. That's why it also takes time to defeat her. Replace procrastinating behavior patterns with new habits. Here's a recipe for creating a new habit:

1. Read tips 1-8.
2. Start using them.
3. Repeat for at least 21 days.
4. Congratulations, you've created a new habit.
5. Hang in there and enjoy feeling good about yourself.