Hormone Balance Woman

Hormone Balance Woman

Unique biohacking product to support hormonal balance in a woman's menstrual cycle.

Living in harmony with cyclicity and full strength? Absolutely! Hormone Balance will become wellness for your cycle. Especially in the second part of the cycle, the so-called luteal phase, women may experience unpleasant fluctuations—whether emotional or hormonal—that can cause discomfort on both psychological and physical levels. Thanks to a set of active ingredients with proven effects, Hormone Balance helps the body achieve balance, both hormonal and neurotransmitter, and function at its optimum.

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No unnecessary chemistry

Maximum efficiency


Wellness for your cycle

The functional approach of the Hormone Balance product lies in a balanced combination of natural plant extracts, vitamins, and minerals that specifically support the key needs of the female body in the second half of the cycle. Four small capsules offer multiple ways of support: they help regulate hormonal balance, harmonize the neurotransmitter system, support emotional stability, and protect the body from the effects of free radicals. Hormone Balance is more than just a dietary supplement - it's an opportunity to live with full strength and without compromise in any part of the menstrual cycle.

We believe in science, not superstition


Support of hormonal balance

Hormonal imbalance can have many negative effects on the body. By balancing hormone levels and supplementing essential micronutrients, Hormonal Balance Woman can help you improve many unpleasant physical and psychological sensations related to the menstrual cycle and improve your overall well-being.


Support of the neurotransmitter system

Unpleasant emotional swings and mood swings are often caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters and a decrease in the amount of GABA and serotonin in the brain. Active, clinically studied substances support the correct formation of neurotransmitters and their balance in the brain. This can contribute to better emotional stability and peace of mind.


Antioxidant activity

Natural plant antioxidants help maintain the amount of free oxygen radicals at the right levels and thus keep the internal environment of the organism in balance.

Natural substances for beauty and vitality in 3 capsules

Lemon balm

500 mg

Active substances support the balance of neurotransmitters.

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Chinese Angelica

250 mg

An antioxidant that contributes to the normal functioning of the female genitourinary system.

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Milk thistle

150 mg

It has antioxidant properties and contributes to the proper functioning of the liver.

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105 mg

Calcium levels fluctuate as a result of hormonal changes.

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HydroCurc® Curcumin

100 mg

Patented form of the most bioavailable curcumin. It supports the function of neurotransmitters and hormones.

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Red clover (Trifolium pratense)

100 mg

It has a regulatory effect for comfort in the female cycle.

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Aronia melanocarpa

100 mg

It has antioxidant effects.

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100 mg

It increases the bioavailability of active substances from milk thistle several times.

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Chaste tree

35 mg

Active substances bind to neurotransmitter receptors and harmonize hormone levels.

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Saffron (SAFR'INSIDE™)

30 mg

A patented form of saffron with a high content of active substances. It contributes to hormonal and neurotransmitter balance.

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5 mg

As a result of hormonal changes, women may experience lower zinc levels.

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B1 vitamin

100 mg

A higher dose of vitamin B1 positively harmonizes the cycle.

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B6 vitamin

25 mg

It contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity.

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Vegan capsule

100 mg

All packed in 4 small cellulose capsules.

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How to use the product?

When to use?

Take 4 capsules at any time during the day with food (do not take on an empty stomach) in the second phase of the menstrual cycle (luteal phase). An alternative can be 2 capsules in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, always with food. Start using the product every month at the peak of ovulation, approximately halfway through the menstrual cycle.

How many capsules?

4 small capsules

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We recommend consulting a gynecologist about using the product in combination with hormonal contraception.


It is not a substitute for a varied diet. The product is not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a dry place up to 25 °C. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Content weight: 32.7 g (56 capsules)

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Dream come true

Tak s tímto produktem jsem na 1000% spokojená, po 30tce a ukončení kojení mě začalo trápit silné noční pocení cca 2 týdny před začátkem každé MS. Vyzkoušela jsem vícero věcí, ale nic nepomáhalo. Od té doby, co beru tento produkt, tak již žádné obtíže nemám. Takže doporučuji vyzkoušet, pokud vás trápí podobný problém:)

Naprostá spokojenost!

Tento produkt je skvělým spojením kvalitních přírodních ingrediencí, které jsou pečlivě vybrány pro podporu hormonálního zdraví žen. Co mě opravdu oslovilo, je to, že Hormone Balance Woman nejenže pomáhá s fyzickými příznaky, jako jsou nepravidelná období či nepříjemné PMS, ale také podporuje celkové duševní blaho a energii.

Po několika týdnech užívání Hormone Balance Woman jsem si všimla značného zlepšení svého hormonálního stavu. Cítím se více vyvážená, mám více energie a mé období jsou mnohem méně obtížná. To je pro mě opravdu důležité, protože mohu pokračovat ve svém životě bez přetrvávajících obtíží spojených s hormonální nerovnováhou.

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With a hormonal imbalance, you may experience mood swings, fatigue, abdominal or back pain, painful menstruation, breast tenderness, headache, tension or sleep disturbances.

Although these are natural substances and plant extracts, some can affect hormone levels. We recommend consulting your gynecologist about using hormonal contraception and this product.

You can notice positive feelings already during the first cycle of use. The longer you use the product, the more harmonized your cycle will be. From the 2nd and 3rd cycle you can already notice a noticeable difference in your feelings.

The product is suitable for women aged 18 and over. The use of the product at a younger age depends on the physical maturity of the woman. In this case, consult your doctor first.

In particularly sensitive women, the photosensitivity of the skin to sunlight may increase.

Yes, this product is designed for regular, long-term use in the second phase of the menstrual cycle (the so-called luteal phase). With regular use, the balance of your cycle improves.

Yes, this product can be combined with all Flow products. We especially recommend combining it with Daily Essential Woman to supplement all the necessary micronutrients that will help you cope with the daily physical and mental pressure of today.