Advanced Mind 2.0

Advanced Mind 2.0

Natural capsules for long-term support of brain functions.

New improved composition of version 2.0 of the Flow Advanced Mind product! Success is a long-term endeavor, but with better concentration, memory, and overall brain function, you'll be closer to your goals. Discover 7 scientifically supported substances in a unique combination that will help you handle more mental work more efficiently with regular use.

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Long-term support of brain functions

Are you on your way to achieving your work and study goals? You're heading in the right direction! Advanced Mind will help you handle more mental work in the long run. It will improve memory, logical thinking, and concentration. And stress? Gone.

We believe in science, not superstition


Learning and memory

All substances contained in the capsule comprehensively help with the learning process[1] [2]– from perception of information, through its processing, to storage. Phosphatidylserine, Ginkgo biloba, and Bacopa influence memory formation and retention. [3] [4]


Reduction of mental tension

Gotu kola and Ashwagandha consistently improve mood, which contributes to better well-being and improved outcomes.[5][6]


Long-term cognitive support

Lion's mane and Polygala tenuifolia affect cognitive abilities in the long term. Biologically functional compounds from Lion's mane promote neurogenesis of neurons.[7][8][9]

Adaptogens in 3 capsules

Lion's mane

450 mg

Extract containing 50% polysaccharides. It helps with the neurogenesis of neurons and thus with cognitive functions.

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Bacopa Monieri

320 mg

Bacopa extract containing 55% bacosides stimulates concentration and helps with memory.

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270 mg

With a concentration of 98%. An important component of neurons. It affects the transmission of nerve impulses and thus helps with cognitive functions.

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Ginkgo biloba 24/6

60 mg

Standardized extract of EGb-761. It strengthens memory and cognitive functions.

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Gotu Cola

300 mg

80% Gotu Cola extract helps to reduce the level of tension and strengthens the memory.

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200 mg

Extract with 5% whitanoids. It helps to reduce tension and with complex brain functions.

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Polygala tenuifolia

300 mg

Standardized extract BT11 contains a lot of adaptogens, helps with cognitive functions in the long term.

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Vegan capsule

120 mg

All packed in 4 cellulose capsules.

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How to use the product?

When to use

In the morning or during the day with food.

How many capsules?

3 capsules

Drink with water

For proper dissolution and absorption, drink at least a glass of water.


It is not a substitute for a varied diet. The product is not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a dry place up to 25 °C. It may reduce blood clotting. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Content weight: 60.2 g (90 capsules).

Customer Reviews

Based on 36 reviews
Hlava maká

Byl jsem velmi mile překvapen, jak to funguje. Jsem bystřejší a lépe se soustředím.

Lucie T.

Kvalitní produkt. Spokojenost.

Evelyn M.

Skvělej kauf! Nikdy mi ještě mozek tolik nemozkoval jako s tímhle záázrakem.

Kamil H.
Vyladěný urychlovač myšlení

Těší mě, že hned napoprvé jsem chytil správnou dávku, 1 tobolka brzy po ránu pro mne znamená celodenní aktivaci, bez tendence přebudit. Neruší spánek, naopak zrychlí noční zpracování informací. Za mě super už jen pro to dobré časování účinku (cca 24h), žádné rychlé kafe, ani stimulátor acetylcholinu s dlouhým doběhem.

Ingrid P.

Od postipania kliestom kazdy druhy den migrena, strata energie i kratkodobej pamate. Nasadila som pred dvoma tyzdnami Vas Advanced Mind 2.0. Som vitalnejsia a hlavne nemam migrenu uz 2 tyzdne. Zazrak ! Po mesiaci napisem ako je

Eduard N.

Vek: 35. V práci aj v osobnom živote (deti, manželka) som sa cítil veľmi vyčerpaný. Na doporučenie známej som si objednal študenstky balíček verzia PRO Decaf, mám rad kávu :-). Po zhurba týždni užívania pociťujem pozitívnu zmenu v pracovnom, mentálnom, výkone a schopnosti vymýšlať nové veci. Dokážem sa lepšie zasústrediť na riešenie problemov ale zároveň aj dokážem spracovavať viacero problémov súčasne. Nerobí mi problém pracovat pod tlakov, v strese. Tak nejak sa vraciam ku svojmu o 10 rokov mladšiemu ja. Ak to pôjde takto ďalej, tak si myslim, že mi nehrozí ani syndrom vyhorenia. Moc dík.

Advanced mind 2.0

Jako člověk, který je orientován na dosahování vytyčených cílů, velmi oceňuji účinky Vašich produktů. Cítím, že dosažení požadovaných výsledků je pro mě snazší a příjemnější.

Advanced mind 2.0

Vaše produkty jsou super, používám je každý den. Občas je jen problém polykat tolik kapslí najednou. Škoda, ze už nejsou velké verze balíčků. Jinak super a všem doporučuji.

Advanced mind 2.0


Advanced Mind

Máte to super vymakané, jsou to první doplňky u kterých cítím při pravidelném užívání pozitivní efekt.

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Focus or Decaf are products intended for immediate stimulation and concentration. Expect the onset of their effects, which last 3-5 hours, within 20 minutes. Advanced Mind contains substances that have an effect during long-term use, and their effects are also of a longer-term nature. They complement each other perfectly.

Yes, these products are not mutually exclusive. We recommend taking Advanced Mind in the morning or evening with food, Focus/Decaf 20 minutes before the desired effect. These products work synergistically together to move you closer to your goals.

You will achieve the best effects with regular use of 3 capsules for one month (one package). Then take a break of at least 14 days before using the next pack.