How to handle exam and state papers - 2nd part

3 minutes of reading

From the first article , you already know how to set up a positive approach to learning. This article is about learning itself, how to learn, what works best for memorization, etc. In the third part , you will learn how to maintain life balance even during the exam period.

When it comes to learning, everyone is unique and everyone is comfortable with something different, so look for and try what works best for you. Someone has a more visual memory and is comfortable learning from presentations, someone prefers learning from books, and others remember best when they hear the teacher's explanation.

But in general:


Prepare a realistic study plan - divide the number of questions by the number of days you have and add time for revision and time reserves for unexpected events or more difficult questions. Leave the last two days before the exam free for revision and possible catch-up. It is ideal to draw or print the entire plan and have it in front of you and tick off the completed questions, when you can enjoy the delicious feeling of being rewarded for each completed question.

Start from the basics

And gradually add more information and details. It's completely normal to feel like you don't remember anything after reading it for the first time. In order to remember, the brain must encounter the given information repeatedly with a time gap. Therefore, go through the entire scope of the syllabus several times - it is better to know the basics, but for everything, than the smallest details for the first five questions.

Draw diagrams and pictures

Either on the edge of the page or on large formats that you place in a visible place.


Create your own colored or graphic bullet and arrow system. All the elements that make the text special will help memorization and subsequent processing of information, because the brain perceives everything new and unconventional more. You yourself may know that during the exam you will remember exactly that the given information is below the picture above, underlined in yellow.

Take notes

from difficult topics or things you need to remember. The post-it labels that I stuck on my closet worked for me. Then, when I needed to repeat the given information and connect it with others, I didn't have to leaf through and search in the papers, but it was enough to get up and look.

Learn in context

Do not mechanically learn bare facts, try to understand the material and connect it with previous knowledge.

Try mnemonics

The crazier the stories you make up, the better. Maybe thanks to them you still remember the fat-soluble vitamins (z) A, D, E, K from your biology class.

Use a timer and turn off notifications

for fully focused learning without interruptions and distractions - you will then have time for a full-fledged rest. If you are tempted by procrastination sites, install e.g. the Stay Focused or Fredom application on your phone and PC.

Take breaks

Only a rested brain can remember more information. Learning in 30-minute blocks with a 5-minute break worked best for me, when I completely changed the activity - stretched, went to make tea or played a favorite song, for example. After about 4 repetitions, I took a longer break when I went to exercise, cook lunch, deal with e-mails, etc. The same applies here - listen to your body and brain, sometimes I continued without a break after 30 minutes, other times I was already done after 25 minutes.


Repetition with a time gap is important for memorizing new information. The more times you encounter a given piece of information, the more likely you are to remember and recall it. That's why I included a review block every evening, where I quickly reviewed what I had learned that day. In the morning, I repeated the previously learned lessons for the start.

Use as many senses as possible

You will remember more and better - look, listen, read, paint. E.g. reading aloud is very effective - you see, hear and say the given information.

Engage emotions, contexts and different places

The brain remembers emotionally colored information that is related to each other better, as well as anything new. Therefore, try to imagine the new information in everyday life, how it can be useful to you, what it reminds you of. Sometimes it also helps just to turn the table in the room, or to sit in a chair instead of a chair.

Learn in a pleasant and tidy environment

It may seem like a banality, but the chaos and many things around that are not related to learning only distract us and take away our energy.

If you are tired of learning - try changing the environment. I used to go to the library to study like this 1-2 times a week.

Find the best resources

In addition to classic books and scripts, try YouTube videos or online training courses.

Now you know how to approach learning and how to learn best. In the last article , you will learn how to maintain a healthy life balance and enjoy your free time even during the exam.