How to master exam and state papers - Part 1

Although learning calmly and with a smile may seem impossible, it is possible and it works. Or "tested for you". I myself solved how to handle the state exams in the field of Neuroscience at the Faculty of Medicine (and I am a biochemist by origin). Thanks to these methods, I enjoyed learning and I managed the entire preparation and the exam itself without much stress and with a smile.
Three components are key to successful learning with calmness and a smile – approach, learning itself and overall life-balance. In the first article, we will deal with a positive attitude and overall mindset, because this is how we can most significantly and easily affect the entire learning process.
A positive attitude and mindset is the alpha and omega of all success, this also applies to learning.
Find joy in learning
It can be the joy of increasing your know-how, or perhaps just the fact that you improve your productivity and efficiency, because you train your concentration and exercise your memory, which you can use in your everyday life and in the activities you enjoy.
I am learning for myself
Find your "why I want to learn it and what I will gain" in it. There is no point in learning for parents or for the praise of classmates, it doesn't work.
Make it nice
Whether it's a flower on the table or a favorite chocolate. For example, Focus Chocolate , which not only tastes great, but also contains active substances and adaptogens that help you with concentration and productivity.
Reward yourself and praise yourself
Approach learning positively and enjoy every question you learn. I went to exercise or go out with friends as a reward and to complete the study plan. I had planned a long weekend abroad for the whole state holiday, so I had something to look forward to and my studies went much better.
Schedule your time
Think in advance how much time you want and can devote to the exam and get the most out of it. We can always study longer or start earlier, but we usually don't get it back, so there's no point in stressing about it. Therefore, approach the given time positively and make full use of it. The mental setting "I have enough time - I have a plan and I follow through" is very important. (not so popular "I can't keep up!"). Perhaps you yourself know that the task seems so demanding and big to us, depending on how much time we have for it.
Don't compare yourself to others
We are all unique, we have a different learning style and starting position. Someone has to read the given material three times with a time gap in order to memorize it, while someone, on the other hand, only needs to read it once, but it takes them three times longer. Also, if someone claims that he has already studied 10 questions, it does not necessarily mean that he can. Therefore, only compare your progress: Can I do more than yesterday?
What's the worst that can happen?
By honestly answering this question, most of the fears will disappear because you will realize that you may embarrass yourself or have to do it all over again, but that "it's not about life". If there is a threat of inconvenience, you can prepare for them in advance and manage them better.
Realize that the examiner is only human,
who has his own problems and worries. The day of the exam is just his normal work day, so he may be tired, look bored, etc.
Have healthy self-belief and a positive attitude
Imagine and believe that you will remember the exam, that the questions will fit you, that the examiner will be pleasant, etc. Fake it till you make it. ? Most of our fears never come true, so it's pointless to stress about them.
The best prevention of nervousness
is quality preparation. At the same time, accept the fact that it's perfectly normal not to know , and that it's okay that you might not remember all the details. The principle is to know at least a little about everything and above all to talk.
Before the exam itself
it helps not to slouch , but to stand or sit upright and smile . You will feel stronger and more confident. Amy Cuddy talks nicely about the importance of body language and how it affects our behavior in a TED video . To alleviate pre-exam nervousness, it helps to focus on your own breath - to perceive inhalation, exhalation. Some people work very well to count to a hundred, some prefer to count inhalations and exhalations for four times. It is also important to only perceive yourself and not to get carried away by nervous classmates.
If you've ever lamented that you need more memory capacity to handle more mental work, we have the solution for you! We developed the Mindflow Advanced Mind product exactly for these cases. Support for long-term mental performance and memory.
Now you know how to approach learning correctly, in the second part you will learn tips for learning itself and also how to keep your personal life and enjoy your free time while learning.