3 methods for effective learning

4 minutes of reading
Scripts, textbooks, articles, study texts wherever you look. But how to get the most useful information from them and not read them over and over again? Mindlessly reading notes or a script is definitely not an effective learning method because it doesn't help you process the information you read. Instead, use a proven study method to help you efficiently go through the study material and remember the information you need. Here are tips for three of them.

SQ3R method

The SQ3R method is great for learning to think critically about a text. It is widely used in English-speaking countries, hence its name, an abbreviation of Survey , Question , Read , Respond /recall, Review . Thanks to the SQ3R method, you can dive deeper into study materials and remember and recall important information for a longer period of time.

The method involves five steps:

  1. Explore : Go through the material. Focus on headings, bold words and any diagrams.
  2. Ask : Ask questions related to the topic .
  3. Read : Read the text carefully. Look for answers to your questions as you read.
  4. Answer/Recall : Tell yourself the answers to your questions. Make notes about them.
  5. Summarize: Re-read the material and your notes.
3 techniques for effective learning

PQ4R method

PQ4R is a study technique developed by EL Thomas and HA Robinson and is also called the Dynamic Reading Method. The acronym PQ4R stands for P review, Questions , R ead, R eflect, R ecitate, R eview and includes the following six steps:
  1. Preview : View the material. Go through titles, headings, chapter titles, highlighted text, and the first and last paragraphs of the table of contents to get an idea of ​​the content and overall concept of the material.
  2. Questions : Think of questions that relate to each part you read.
  3. Read: As you read the text, try to find the answers to your questions.
  4. Reflect: Consider whether you have any unanswered questions or new questions.
  5. Recite: Speak aloud what you just read.
  6. Summarize: Go through the text again. Review the essential points.

THIEVES method

The THIEVES method helps to build insight skills (a kind of “mental map”) and prepare to read information. In addition, it increases the comprehension skill by activating prior knowledge. THIEVES is an acronym of the seven words T itle, H eadings, I ntroduction, E very first sentence in a paragraph, V isuals and vocabulary, End -of-chapter questions, Summary and includes these seven steps:

  1. Title : Read the title of the material/text.
  2. Headings : Look at the headings.
  3. Introduction : View the introduction.
  4. Every First Sentence of a Chapter : See how each section begins.
  5. Visual and Vocabulary : Look at the pictures and words in bold.
  6. Final Questions : Read the questions at the end of the chapter.
  7. Summary : Read the summary of the text.

Ask yourself questions as you go through these steps. After completing them, read the entire text.


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Read the printed materials

Tablets and other eLearning media are in, convenient and portable, but research suggests that traditional print materials still have the upper hand when it comes to studying. Kate Garland, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Leicester in England confirms this. She found that students who used an electronic screen to learn and read a text needed to read the text more times to learn and understand the text than students who read the same text in printed form.









