5 gifts to increase productivity into the thousands

Christmas is already around the corner and you are looking for original gifts for your loved ones? Do you have someone around you who needs to be more productive, either for work or school? We have 5 gift ideas just for them!

If someone is struggling with how to start their productivity, they usually don't start the change themselves. Help him out by giving him one of these gadgets.

Hurray for the course

Sometimes you need to hear wisdom from a stranger, but more experienced, that's why we have courses in the first place , whether online or physical. Just type "how to improve productivity course" into Google and you will immediately find several great tips in different price ranges. Of course, the online ones tend to be more financially favorable. We can recommend, for example, courses from Seduo. Even Google itself offers one of these in its Google garage.

Concentration in a capsule

If you want to give a good dose of natural encouragement in one single capsule, reach for Mindflow Focus or Advanced Mind (or a combination of both). The former will provide instant energy and productivity. It delays fatigue and primes the mind for an important task or project. Advanced Mind then improves memory, concentration and overall learning ability. With long-term use, you will clearly notice an increase in efficiency. For snack lovers, there is the novelty of Mindflow Focus Chocolate - high-quality chocolate enriched with 8 substances that support mental functions, provide energy and delay fatigue.

Planning plays an important role

Proper planning would not be possible without it diaries and other smart things like bulletin boards and blackboards . And we don't mean ordinary cork boards. Special planning (for a week, month or year), system or magnetic noticeboards/boards are already being produced, where you write, glue colors according to the priority of tasks, etc. You can even make a noticeboard from one wall in your office using a special foil or paint. But if you want something smaller, you can get, for example, glass pads for notes that fit on the desk.

Wisdom hidden in books

If the recipient is more self-taught, reach for to the book ! You may have heard of the hit End of procastination by Peter Ludwig. However, you will find many other interesting titles in the Personal Development department of every bookstore. Choose the book that best suits the person in question. Or put together a set of 2-3 books that complement each other and you have a great gift.

Long live kickers

Someone is organized enough, but needs more to encourage Among the classic stimulating crops, we can name guarana, ginko biloba, rosehip, matcha, coffee and black tea, but also blueberries or peaches. So you can buy various teas, coffees or snacks containing these life-boosters.


Help your loved ones step into the next year better!