Biohacking for women: Optimizing the menstrual cycle and premenstrual syndrome

hormonal balance

Some women are unaffected by menstruation, while others can't wait for it to end. In this article, we'll look at why this is so and break down the cycle from a slightly different perspective. Hormones are often discussed in connection with the menstrual cycle. Hormone levels fluctuate throughout the month. Changing the ratio of hormones can have a major effect on mood and physical condition. Which hormone is responsible for the scarecrow called PMS and which, on the other hand, ensures a good mood? How does the menstrual cycle affect neurotransmitters? Let's take a look at it.

Menstrual phase

We consider menstruation itself to be the first phase of the cycle. It is usually said to occur on average every 28 days. A shorter or longer interval is perfectly fine. Bleeding, the washing out of the endometrium and the unfertilized egg, can last 3-5 days. Sometimes this phase lasts even 7 days. Low estrogen levels, general depression, greater fatigue and overall slowing down, whether physical or mental, are typical. Menstrual pains are caused by the contractions of the uterus, which is shedding its lining. Blood loss is a big burden for the body, so it is advisable to supplement with iron.

Follicular phase

The phase starts along with the menstrual phase and lasts about 14 days. During the follicular phase, follicle-stimulating hormone begins to act, which stimulates egg growth. Estrogen levels are highest at this time. This manifests itself in increased energy, good mood, higher productivity and self-confidence.


It is the shortest phase of the entire menstrual cycle. A mature egg is released, which moves from the ruptured follicle into the fallopian tube. It is also the best time for its fertilization. If this happens, the fertilized egg implants in the uterus and begins its development. If not, the fourth stage occurs.

Luteal phase

Probably the least popular phase lasts about 14 days. During the luteal phase, the released follicle produces a corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. A hormone that supports the nutrition of the endometrium so that any fertilized egg has a place to settle. At this time, there is a loss of energy and general depression, mood deterioration or social isolation. This is all due to the fact that the body is preparing for menstruation itself. If fertilization does not occur, the egg and the corpus luteum disappear. As a result, both progesterone and estrogen levels will drop. And the body enters the first stage - menstruation.

How does PMS develop?

This state of body and mind is referred to as premenstrual syndrome. Frequent manifestations can be:

- general mental discomfort, irritation, anxiety

- different tastes or increased appetite

- pain, breast tenderness

- nausea and indigestion

- water retention in the body

But what is also important to mention is that together with the level of hormones, the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain also change. During PMS, levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and GABA decrease. This then results in a worsening of mood, anxiety or depressive states before the onset of menstruation.

How to relieve PMS symptoms?

The right combination of natural substances that support the balance of hormones and neurotransmitters can help with greater well-being during the luteal phase.

"The idea to make Hormone Balance arose as a request from our team. Biohackers from Flow also deal with mood swings and low energy. We wanted to be able to work and live the whole month as we can on the best days. We couldn't find an effective solution, so the guys from Flow developed it for us." - Duck, CMO Flow

What you will find in Hormone Balance

In Hormone Balance you will find substances that support the balance of neurotransmitters, such as lemon balm or saffron. Horsetail, red clover, vitamin B6 or the most biologically and patented form of curcumin contribute to the harmonization of hormones. This wellness for your cycle also contains vitamins and minerals such as calcium and zinc or Chinese angelica, which contribute to the normal functioning of the urogenital system. In Hormone Balance you will not find hormones, but only natural substances.

"We certainly don't try to bypass nature. Not that. However, we would like to help women make the more demanding part of the month more pleasant, so that they can experience it more comfortably, without stress." Matěj, Flow product development

CTA: Guess who orders more of this product? Women or men? :D