Recovery drink
Recovery drink
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Recovery drink

A professional sports drink to support and accelerate recovery after physical exertion, containing a combination of carbohydrates, essential amino acids, and key minerals and vitamins.

Recovery is a crucial part of every athlete's peak performance. To accelerate it and replenish depleted energy, we have developed a comprehensive professional sports drink, Recovery. It supports physical recovery after demanding athletic performance, restores strength, provides minerals, and amino acids. Formulated in collaboration with professional athletes.

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No unnecessary chemistry

Maximum efficiency


Peak regeneration = peak performance

Are you engaged in any sport? Then don't underestimate recovery, a crucial phase for performance growth. The Recovery drink easily replenishes depleted energy stores, amino acids for muscles, minerals lost through sweat, and vitamins to accelerate metabolic reactions after performance. For a quick recovery of strength.

We believe in science, not superstition


Accelerates regeneration

Replenishment of carbohydrates, amino acids and minerals immediately after exercise significantly accelerates regeneration. The drink serves to restore muscle glycogen, start the synthesis of muscle proteins and balance the electrolyte balance in the body.


Balances the electrolyte balance in the body

Replenishment of electrolytes is an essential part of the post-workout routine to balance electrolyte balance and proper regeneration processes. Until electrolytes lost in sweat are replaced after exercise, water balance is not effectively restored and maintained, which can prolong recovery time.[1]


It supplies everything the body needs after exercise

The drink contains simple and more complex carbohydrates, amino acids and necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In combination with water, it contains everything the body needs for perfect physical regeneration. So you can train harder and more!

A unique mixture of substances in two measuring cups of the product


38 g

A mixture of simple and more complex carbohydrates in a ratio that will provide the body with immediate and gradual energy.

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Amino Acids Flow EAA

6 g

Our Flow EAA mixture for the perfect anabolic response of the body after training.

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200 mg

Necessary for the transmission of nerve signals and muscle contraction.

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60 mg

Potassium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles.

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80 mg

Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of muscles and the nervous system and to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion.

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312 mg

Chloride participates together with sodium in the osmotic pressure and is of great importance for maintaining the acid-base balance. It helps keep the amount of water inside and outside the cells in balance.

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150 mg

It contributes to normal energy metabolism, muscle activity and nerve transmission function.

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5 mg

It contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

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5 mg

Iron contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

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0.3 mg

Copper contributes to normal energy metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system.

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0.5 mg

Manganese contributes to the normal formation of connective tissues and energy metabolism.

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15 mcg

Selenium contributes to the normal function of the immune system and the thyroid gland.

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Liposomal vitamin C

25 mg

The best-known antioxidant in a bioavailable liposome form, which contributes to the normal formation of collagen for the normal function of bones, cartilage and skin.

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Vitamin A

400 mcg

It contributes to the normal function of the immune system and maintains the normal condition of the skin.

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Vitamin D

5 mcg

It contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

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Vitamin E

2.5 mg

It contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

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Complex of B vitamins (B1, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12)

13.2 mg

It contributes to normal energy metabolism.

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How to use the product?

When to use?

Take within 30 minutes after physical activity to speed up recovery. In case of a particularly heavy load, take one more dose in the evening.

What amount?

Mix 49 g of powder (2 scoops) with 300 ml of drinking water. The measuring cup is included in the package.

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Does not contain lactose, gluten, artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors. Suitable for athletes, vegans and vegetarians.

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Does not contain lactose, gluten, artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors. Suitable for athletes, vegans and vegetarians. It is not a substitute for a varied diet. The product is not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a dry place up to 25 °C. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Content weight: 1000 g (20 servings).

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Kateřina D.

Super produkt, rychlejší regenerace, chuť příjemná!

Radek L.
Recovery drink

Tento produkt používám denně pro urychlení regenerace. má jemnou a přirozenou chuť, která není příliš sladká ani umělá. Navíc je k dispozici ve více příchutích, takže si každý najde tu svou oblíbenou

Erik B.
Super regeneracia

Ak idete napr. 2 tréningy denne, absolútne top produkt, úplne na pohodu to zvládam, samozrejme od značky mám viac produktov, tie majú asi tiež svoj podiel na regenerácí. Je to ale super - odporúčam, mal som problém s velkou únavou, silnými bolesťami a stuhlosťou svalou. Používam aj EAA a RPE11 Decaf. Je to jízda bejbe! :)

Marcela O.

Super produkt

Jana F.

Úžasný produkt ❣️

Anežka K.

Skvělý regenerační nápoj! :) člověk se po něm cítí odpočatý a je připraven další den na kvalitní trénink, tělo se necítí tak moc unavené. Využívala jsem ho na soustředění a tento přípravek mi pomohl zvládnout všechny tréninky bez zranění a kumulující únavy. Jablečná příchuť je skvělá, není umělá a nápoj není zbytečně přeslazený.

Jan C.

Velice chutné příchutě…, po výkonu okamžitě ukončuje rozklad a začíná stavět. Subjektivně mám kratsi regeneraci.

Po tréningu nenahraditeľný!

Skvelé zloženie aj chuť! Dostala som ho na skúšku darom od kamarátky a po dopití objednávam hneď ďalší.
Trénujem každý druhý deň dvojfázovo-cyklistiku(niekoľko stovak až tisíc km týždenne) a únava je podstatne menšia, príjemnejšia
Odporúčam! :)

Natálie T.
Nejlepší recovery drink na trhu

Po vyzkoušení recovery drinku byla regenerace opravdu rychlejší a následující den mě nic nebolelo!

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The Recovery Drink product is specially created to accelerate regeneration after demanding physical activity, training or a race. Thanks to this product, your body will recover faster from the load and will be able to perform 100% physical performance sooner.

Yes you can. Thanks to the rapid replenishment of nutrients, your body recovers faster from your favorite activity. You will feel more rested and ready for other sporting challenges.

For excellent sports performances, we recommend combining it with the Power Drink product, which is suitable for use directly during sports. Every athlete knows that the best means of regeneration is sleep, so we recommend using the product Sleep , which will ensure you quality and perfectly restful and regenerative sleep.